Lindwurmstr. 52
80337 München

+49 (0) 89 / 77 51 51


Opening times:
Monday to Friday
09:30 am - 03:30 pm

Mulitlingual surgery:
German, English and

Children and youth dentistry

UIn order to make the first dental visit for children as enjoyable as possible, it is important to create a friendly and pleasant atmosphere. At a first introductory appointment the team show a little patient around the surgery and explain the functions of several instruments in a playful and suitable for children, but yet detailed manner. During this round tour a child has an opportunity to meet the team and the dentist in a casual atmosphere which makes children curious and helps them overcome their shyness.

However not to let the fears arise, it is important that the child trusts the dentist. Only thus a child would like to come to the dental surgery again and has a positive experience visiting the dentist. At the same time every child should be approached individually, depending on their age and psychological state.

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